Economics of car ownership in Canada

The Influence of U.S. Car Markets Interaction betwen interest rates and prices Canada's financial system is closely tied to that of the United States, making U.S. interest rate policies pivotal. When the Federal Reserve raises rates, car loans in the U.S. become costlier, potentially curbing

Classic car in garage

Riding the Asset Highway: Exploring Automobiles as an Alternative Asset Class

Investing in assets that can generate passive income and maintain or appreciate in value is a popular strategy for diversifying a portfolio and maximizing returns. Traditional investments such as stocks, bonds, and real estate have long been popular choices for this purpose, but in recent

A close-up image of a tire air nozzle with a green nitrogen label on the top of the cap.

Nitrogen vs. Regular Air: Which Should You Use In Your Tires?

In this post, we’ll do our best to help you decide whether nitrogen or regular air is the tire tonic your ride deserves. Nitrogen Nitrogen's molecules don't bail out as quickly as regular air molecules. Let's start with the basics. Nitrogen, despite its fancy name,

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